Collage Night (Weirdcore)

Collage Night (Weirdcore)

On Wednesday, March 26th, we have another collage experience that will be hosted by @theculprit518

This theme will be Weirdcore! Let your imagination go crazy and get WEIRD!

Find a little something that speaks to the wacky part of you with a fun and freaky collage!

This event is FREE & open to the public!

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ADK Coast 3D Print Sprint:  24-Hour 3D Printing Challenge
to Apr 6

ADK Coast 3D Print Sprint: 24-Hour 3D Printing Challenge

Students in 8th grade-College (Ages 13+) are invited to the Strand Center for the Arts this spring for a 24-hour 3D printing challenge! Students, in teams of 2-4, will be presented with a challenge to complete in 24hrs while locked in the arts center. The ADK Coast 3D Print Sprint is co-produced by Strand Center for the Arts and Plattsburgh Robotics. The ADK Coast 3D Print Sprint is limited to 15 teams. To learn more & register >> (registration is required to participate)

PUBLIC Portion of the Event:

  • Saturday, April 5, 12:45-3pm: Opening Ceremony and Challenge Reveal

  • Sunday, April 6, 1:30-3pm: Team solution testing, Presentations, Awards, and Closing Ceremony

  • Both of the above public portions of this event are free and open to the public.

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Fiber Arts Group
to Jun 11

Fiber Arts Group

Attention local Fiber Artists:

We invite you to join us at the Strand on the 2nd Wednesdays of the month from 2 to 5pm. Come for the entire time or to drop in to see what we are doing!

Upcoming Dates:

  • April 9

  • May 14

  • June 11

This group will consist of makers who create in fiber (yarn, fabric, thread, spinning fibers, cane, etc, etc, etc) and strive to be not just makers but more. By sharing what they are creating, they can learn so much from each other and be inspired to try new things. Weavers may knit into their handwoven fabrics,  quilters might stitch into their quilted pieces, knitters might add hands-spun fibers into their hand knitted items, spinners can explore different fibers to knit or weave… there are so many possibilities of ways weaving might cross pollinate. Artists can learn to use patterns by viewing them as starting points and explore how to make them our own. By thinking “outside the box” fiber artists can create something special, something unique, something no one else has ever made in the same way.  

Each session will start with introductions and then move into sharing what the fiber artists have made either recently or in the past - a show and tell - that might last 30 seconds or 5 minutes. This type of informal setting can harbor a safe space for learning from each other and nurture creative souls. The group encourages you to bring what you’re are working on and eventually break into small interest groups as time allows to further discuss the works.

Looking forward to meeting you and starting something exciting for our Fiber Art Community. Please contact Suzanne Hokanson if you are interested in joining us and if you would like more information. SWHFiberWorks@gmail.com

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Spring Volunteer Day

Spring Volunteer Day

Join us on Saturday, April 12, from 10am-2pm for our annual Spring Volunteer Day and help us spruce up our front lawn! Bring your gardening gloves and tools if you have them.

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The World is Her Canvas

The World is Her Canvas

Join us on April 18th from 5-8pm for the opening reception of The World is Her Canvas, an exhibition dedicated to the limitless talents of women in the arts. For hundreds of years, women have often been overlooked in the artworld, as it has been and still is primarily dominated by men. This show dedicates how far women have come in the arts, as well as in the world. 

With a diverse array of painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, multi-media and fiber arts, the artists in this exhibition exemplify the talents of women artists of various backgrounds and ages while demonstrating the different paths artists take and their reasons for creating the work they do.

Participating artists: Sarah Ashe, Alise Babbie, Zoe Bedell, Kt Falzetta (Dear Simon Photography), Valerie Hird, Susan Hoffer, Eve Petrashune, and Michelle Vara. 

Join us for the FREE opening reception from 5-8pm on Friday, April 18th!

This exhibition will be open to the public during our regular business hours from April 18th - June 21st.

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Celebrating Juneteenth

Celebrating Juneteenth


Join us on Friday, June 20th at 5pm to celebrate Juneteenth!

Complete with good eats, LIVE performances, art displays, vendors from local businesses and organizations, and activities!

Full list of details coming soon.

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25th Annual Members Exhibition 2025
to Aug 23

25th Annual Members Exhibition 2025

Join us on July 11th from 5-8pm for the 25th Annual Members Exhibition! This special exhibition marks twenty-five years that the Strand has dedicated shows to display the artwork of our talented member artists. Through the years, we have artists that have been with us for a long time, as well as many new faces, all of which are deeply appreciated and we are excited to have them in the gallery!

From a wide range of work from painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, fiber arts, 3D arts, photography, digital art and more, we hope you will stop by to this FREE event to support the work of so many talented people that make the organization what it is!

Sign up for an Artist Membership today to participate in this exhibition:

List of participating artists coming soon!

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Collage Night | Cathartic Collage

Collage Night | Cathartic Collage

On Wednesdays we’re open LATE!

Join us for Collage Night on Wednesday, March 5 from 5 to 9 p.m.

The theme is “Cathartic Collage.” Use the power of art and community to help work through your internal stressors and anxieties. Create something beautiful and calming or explore the darker sides of your mind. Art is cathartic!

This is a casual, drop-in style activity. Come whenever and stay as long as you’d like!

This event is FREE and open to the public.

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Collage Night | Dreamcore

Collage Night | Dreamcore

Join us for another Collage Night featuring The Culprit on Wednesday, February 19, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The theme is Dreamcore. Are your dreams full of soft light, clouds, & glitter, are they liminal spaces that just feel… off, or are they pure nightmare fuel? Whatever they are, show us!

FREE & open to the public

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Fiber Arts Group

Fiber Arts Group

Attention local Fiber Artists:

We invite you to join us at the Strand on the 2nd Wednesdays of the month from 2 to 5pm starting on February 12th.  Come for the entire time or to drop in to see what we are doing!

This group will consist of makers who create in fiber (yarn, fabric, thread, spinning fibers, cane, etc, etc, etc) and strive to be not just makers but more. By sharing what they are creating, they can learn so much from each other and be inspired to try new things. Weavers may knit into their handwoven fabrics,  quilters might stitch into their quilted pieces, knitters might add hands-spun fibers into their hand knitted items, spinners can explore different fibers to knit or weave… there are so many possibilities of ways weaving might cross pollinate. Artists can learn to use patterns by viewing them as starting points and explore how to make them our own. By thinking “outside the box” fiber artists can create something special, something unique, something no one else has ever made in the same way.  

Each session will start with introductions and then move into sharing what the fiber artists have made either recently or in the past - a show and tell - that might last 30 seconds or 5 minutes. This type of informal setting can harbor a safe space for learning from each other and nurture creative souls. The group encourages you to bring what you’re are working on and eventually break into small interest groups as time allows to further discuss the works.

Looking forward to meeting you on February 12th and starting something exciting for our Fiber Art Community. Please contact Suzanne Hokanson if you are interested in joining us and if you would like more information. SWHFiberWorks@gmail.com

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On The Brink Exhibition 2025

On The Brink Exhibition 2025

Join us for the FREE opening reception from 5-8pm on Friday, February 7th!

This February, we will be showcasing the works of the Strand Center’s very own staff, teachers techs, and board members in On The Brink 2025! There will be a wide variety of works including painting, ceramics and pottery, collage, photography, sculpture, digital art, and MORE!

This exhibition will be open to the public during our regular business hours until March 29th.

List of participating artists coming soon:

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GRAND FINALE | Explore Twin Pebbles Peak: A City Created with LEGO® Bricks

GRAND FINALE | Explore Twin Pebbles Peak: A City Created with LEGO® Bricks

Join us for the FINAL NIGHT exhibiting Justin Collins' installation, "Explore Twin Pebbles Peak, a city created with LEGO® Bricks," in the Community Corner of the Strand Center Gallery!

This is your LAST CHANCE to see all the moving parts in action and to speak to Justin directly about his installation.

Explore Twin Pebbles Peak: A City Created with LEGO® Bricks is on view during operating hours until January 29 at 9pm.

FREE and open to the public. All ages are welcome to visit.

Design and building assistance by: Tech-Priest Raven, Mason Favreau, Ashley LeVasseur, and Will LeVasseur.

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Collage Night | Cottagecore

Collage Night | Cottagecore

Collage Night at the Strand Center for the Arts is BACK! And this time we are partnering with The Culprit.

Please join us on Wednesday, January 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The theme is Cottagecore. So, bust out the flowers, mushrooms, & moths. Let’s make something unique & whimsical!

FREE & open to the public

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Downtown Caroling

Downtown Caroling

Join us and our friends at the Plattsburgh YMCA to celebrate the start of the Christmas weekend with an evening of caroling. At 5pm we will meet in the historic Strand Center Theatre to learn and rehearse Christmas carols. Then, take the show on the road! We will be walking around Downtown Plattsburgh to spread holiday cheer to local businesses and community members with a culmination at the Christmas tree on the front lawn of Strand Center for the Arts.

This event is FREE & open to the public!

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Miracle on Margaret Street

Miracle on Margaret Street

Something magical is coming back to Margaret Street!

, The Nutcracker Ballet in the Strand Center Theatre, purchase tickets here >>
3-6pm, Holiday Art Activities in the Strand Center Gallery
3-6pm, Merry Mug Fundraiser in the Strand Center Gallery, mugs are $20/each
3-6pm, Photos with Santa Fundraiser in the Strand Center Gallery, photos are $10/each, photos will be emailed to you
3-6pm, Pick up your “100 Years of the Strand Theatre” Commemorative Ornament, Make a $10 donation to our “Cucumber Tree” Fund to reserve your ornament >>
5pm, Pre-Parade Holiday Warm Up Show
5:30pm, 9th Annual Holiday Parade in Downtown Plattsburgh
~6pm (following the parade), Tree Lighting on The Strand Center front lawn

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Decorate Your Own Clay Ornament

Decorate Your Own Clay Ornament

Handmade ornaments add the perfect charm to any tree during the holiday season! Add them to your collection of decorations and they'll bring joy to your family for years to come! Join us on Wednesday, December 4, 6-8pm, in our Arts Center building to decorate your very own clay ornaments. What will you and your family make?

FREE while supplies last! First come, first served.

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24th Annual Members Exhibition 2024
to Dec 18

24th Annual Members Exhibition 2024

Join us for our 24th Annual Members Exhibition as we showcase the artwork of our talented Artist Members that will include: painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, sculpture, and more! Join us for the opening reception on Friday, November 15th from 5-8pm!

This exhibition will be closing on December 18th, which gives people the perfect opportunity to purchases pieces from the show as gifts for Christmas!

If you are not an Artist Member and want to participate in this exhibition, please sign up here>>

Already a member? View the call for work for contract and label files >> (Drop-off deadline is Saturday, November 9th!)

List of participating artists coming soon!

This event is FREE and open to the public.

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Halloween Artisan Market

Halloween Artisan Market

Join us for our Halloween Artisan Market on the front lawn at The Strand Center for the Arts on October 26th!

Designs by Renee, Half Moon Tarot Readings, Phat Dragon Bakery, MotleyArtist, As You Wish Signs and Gifts by Dina, Upstate Emporium, Bit Sized Builds, MontanaFancy Jewelry, Sew Surprised ADK!, Adirondack Crafty Mamas, Melted Moon Creations, Found and Fiber, Luria & Co., Büdév Designs Collaborative, Sher’s Knit and Things/Clouds Crafts, Hemlock Shop, KeelArt, Brass Loon Collective, Dragon's Keep Plushies, Kokotallow, AshLeta Designs, Keramik, Regal Canine, Solitude Soapworks, LLC, Living Free Moments, The Little Cat, Vikki's Suds and Such, Serene Reflections Pottery, Purple Ball Candles, Molly’s Quilting Blocks, Red Mill's Crochet & Phantom Moon Collection, and Maggie’s Mystic Makes.

Interested in becoming a vendor? Learn more >>

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Stuff the Strand 2024

Stuff the Strand 2024

Help our neighbors in need!

Join the 3rd annual Stuff the Strand for another record-breaking year!

This year's goal is to stuff each of the 901 seats of the Strand Theatre with 7lbs. of food and we will need your help to make it!

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Anastasia Osolin: The Art of Memory
to Nov 2

Anastasia Osolin: The Art of Memory

Join us on Friday, October 4th at 5:00 pm for the opening reception of The Art of Memory, a solo exhibition showcasing the collage and assemblage works of Anastasia Osolin.

Anastasia Osolin creates collages and assemblages from a wide variety of found objects and imagery gathered from flea markets, yard sales, old books, antique shops, the occasional garbage dump, or sometimes literally found on the ground during her daily walks in and around Saranac Lake, NY. Drawing inspiration from the history of science & astronomy, mysticism, art history, Victorian ephemera, and industrial decay (i.e. just about anything old and rusty), Anastasia is an avid recycler, re-purposer, and collector of curiosities. She enjoys the serendipity of rootling around and allowing herself to be surprised and inspired by whatever she happens to find. She sees a profound beauty in the patina of age that can only be produced by time and experience, and aims to give new life to objects that have outlasted their usefulness and been discarded, overlooked or forgotten.

 Originally from the Washington DC area, Anastasia has a B.F.A. in Illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her artwork has previously been exhibited at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts, BluSeed Studios, View Center for Arts & Culture, NorthWind Fine Arts, Downtown Artist Cellar and the Adirondack Artists Guild, of which she has been a member since 2016.

This event is FREE and open to the public!


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Fall Fest

Fall Fest

Join us at the Strand Center for the Arts on Saturday, September 28th from Noon-5pm for our 3rd Annual Fall Fest!!

Participate in art demos (including “Street” Printmaking with a 2-ton road roller!), enter our pumpkin carving competition, create your own poem, and more!

Click on View Event for more details:

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Screenagers | Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Screenagers | Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Join us in the Strand Center for the Arts’ Historic Theatre for a film screening and panel discussion of the film, Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age.

The panel will consist of experts from the FBI task force and the Chief of Psychology from CVPH, Dr. Aron Steward. They hope to provide insight into the negative impacts of cell phones and social media use on the developing child brain.

This event is FREE and open to the public to attend.

Saranac Central School District is partnering with neighboring districts for this FREE community event!

Learn more about the film at screenagersmovie.com/about-screenagers

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Artist Salon | Suzanne Hokanson

Artist Salon | Suzanne Hokanson

Sa - Lon


An artful conversation held monthly where artists, writers, and arts professionals come together to bond, network and get out of their heads for a little while. It is a conversation; A support Group; always a networking extravaganza; an experimental lab for new ideas; a place to learn and grow by leaps and bounds as an artist and a professional.

The evening's highlight will include a talk or other short production by an invited Artist, followed by conversation and critique of current works in progress.

We are thrilled to feature master folk artist Suzanne Hokanson, who has over 40 years of experience in weaving and fiber arts. Her work, including garments and sculptural pieces, has been exhibited widely, and she has taught art across various regions. Suzanne's passion for cultural weaving traditions, inspired by her time as a Fulbright Memorial Fund Scholar in Japan, led to the publication of her book, Woven: A Bauhaus Memoir.

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Battle of Plattsburgh Artisan Market

Battle of Plattsburgh Artisan Market

Join us for our Battle of Plattsburgh Artisan Market on the front lawn at The Strand Center for the Arts on September 14th!

Participating Vendors:

Designs by Renee, Half Moon Tarot Readings, Phat Dragon Bakery, MotleyArtist, As You Wish Signs and Gifts by Dina, Upstate Emporium, Bit Sized Builds, MontanaFancy Jewelry, Simply Adirondack, Melted Moon Creations, StoneMetal Studio, Santa Fe Coin Rings and Jewelry, Found and Fiber, Luria & Co., Just Wandering Co., Büdév Designs Collaborative, Seyshelles Sea Glass Jewelry, Dragon’s Keep Plushies, AshLeta Designs, Keramik, Winnie’s Whimsies, Free Spirit Creations, MILA Studio, Living Free Moments, JMP Glassworks, Brick’s Coffee House, PPKreations, BRand Crafts, Trembling Mountain Creations, Vikki's Suds and Such, Divergent Creations ADK, Bea’s Crafts, Hippie Chic, Molly’s Quilting Blocks, Nora, and Tinted Gold Henna.

Interested in becoming a vendor? Learn more >>

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Wonders of Weaving

Wonders of Weaving

Join us on September 11th at 5pm for "Wonders of Weaving", a demonstration that will be given by fiber artist Suzanne Hokanson, who's solo exhibition is also on display in the gallery.

This event is FREE and open to the public.

Hope to see you here!

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Plattsburgh Works by Suzanne Hokanson
to Sep 28

Plattsburgh Works by Suzanne Hokanson

Plattsburgh Works: a handwoven celebration of local products & the workers who create them is a solo exhibition that will feature the fiber artwork of Suzanne Hokanson.

“I am in awe of the many workers who create the wide variety of products that surround us in our daily life. This exhibit is a way to honor the thousands of workers and the work they do every day. Many hands work together to make our world a better place. A couple years ago my husband and I moved back to Plattsburgh after a 25 year absence. It’s working for us - we’re loving being back in the North Country. I’m a weaver - I work in fiber to create my artwork. And finally, my maiden name is Work, so it’s always been with me. “Plattsburgh Works” for me on so many levels. I greatly appreciate the fact that being awarded this New York State Council on the Arts grant sponsored by the Strand Center for the Arts has challenged me to think outside the box. Taking scrap from our area manufacturers and using that scrap to create fiber artwork has been invigorating. Seeing the step by step process the workers go through to create the products as I was invited into some of these workspaces was inspiring. The dozen businesses who offered to give me their scrap inspired me to make something that represents the hands that go into creating their product. I hold these workers in high esteem and appreciate all they do to make Plattsburgh work.”

Join us for the opening reception on Friday, Aug. 23rd, at 5pm. This event is FREE and open to the public!

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Artist Salon | Doug Smith

Artist Salon | Doug Smith

Sa - Lon


  • an artful conversation held monthly where artists, writers, and arts professionals come together to bond, network and get out of their heads for a little while. It is a conversation; A support Group; always a networking extravaganza; an experimental lab for new ideas; a place to learn and grow by leaps and bounds as an artist and a professional.

    The evening's highlight will include a talk or other short production by an invited Artist, followed by conversation and critique of current works in progress.

    We’re thrilled to feature Doug Smith, an Artificial Intelligence artist from Vermont. His Instagram feed, ADK Legends (@adklegends), offers captivating and humorous depictions of Adirondack folklore, blending art and technology to bring North Country legends to life.

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Summer Artisan Market

Summer Artisan Market

Join us for our Summer Artisan Market on the front lawn at The Strand Center for the Arts on August 10th!

Participating vendors:

Designs by Renee, Half Moon Tarot Readings, Phat Dragon Bakery, MotleyArtist, Sew Surprised!ADK, As You Wish Signs and Gifts by Dina, Bit Sized Builds, MontanaFancy Jewelry, Upstate Emporium, Simply Adirondack, Melted Moon Creations, StoneMetal Studio, Santa Fe Coin Rings, Luria & Co., Büdév Designs Collaborative, The Sunshine Soaps LLC, VK Creative Services, Look At This Stuff, Paula LaComb, AshLeta Designs, Keramik, Free Spirit Creations, Chasing Grace Herbal & Apiary, Living Free Moments, Bea’s Crafts, Molly’s Quilting Blocks, Nora, Jaime Lee's Crafts & Creations, Tînted Gold Henna, and more!

Interested in becoming a vendor? Learn more >>

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Artist Salon | Stephen Dicerbo

Artist Salon | Stephen Dicerbo

Sa - Lon


an artful conversation held monthly where artists, writers, and arts professionals come together to bond, network and get out of their heads for a little while. It is a conversation; A support Group; always a networking extravaganza; an experimental lab for new ideas; a place to learn and grow by leaps and bounds as an artist and a professional.

The evening's highlight will include a talk or other short production by an invited Artist, followed by conversation and critique of current works in progress.

This event is FREE and open to the public

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SUNsational Artisan Market

SUNsational Artisan Market

Join us for our SUNsational Artisan Market on the front lawn at The Strand Center for the Arts on July 20th!

Participating Vendors:

Designs by Renee, Half Moon Tarot Readings, Phat Dragon Bakery, MotleyArtist, As You Wish Signs and Gifts by Dina, Upstate Emporium, Bit Sized Builds, MontanaFancy Jewelry, Melted Moon Creations, StoneMetal Studio, Santa Fe Coin Rings, Luria & Co., Budév Designs, VK Creative Services, The Mocktail Mommy, Look At This Stuff, Free Spirit Creations, MILA Studio, Living Free Moments, Vikki's Suds and Such, Bea’s Crafts, Hippie Chic, Molly’s Quilting Blocks, Nora, Jordace’s Crocheted Creations, and more!

List of participating vendors coming soon! Interested in becoming a vendor? Learn more >>

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Artist Salon | Zach Buzzell

Artist Salon | Zach Buzzell

Sa - Lon


an artful conversation held monthly where artists, writers, and arts professionals come together to bond, network and get out of their heads for a little while. It is a conversation; A support Group; always a networking extravaganza; an experimental lab for new ideas; a place to learn and grow by leaps and bounds as an artist and a professional.

The evening's highlight will include a talk or other short production by an invited Artist, followed by conversation and critique of current works in progress.

This event is FREE and open to the public

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Pride Fest

Pride Fest

Strand Center for the Arts is proud to hold PPNCNY & Plattsburgh Pride Committee’s Pride Fest event on our front lawn from 3 to 6 p.m.!

Join us in celebrating Pride Month with lawn games, art activities, trivia, swag, music, and more!

The Pride Flag Raising Ceremony will commence at 5pm.

This event is FREE and open to the public to attend.

Then, join us in the theatre for Pride Fest Drag Show Featuring HAUS of Starr at 7 PM. Get Your Tickets >>

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Father's Day Artisan Market

Father's Day Artisan Market

Join us for our Father’s Day Artisan Market on the front lawn at The Strand Center for the Arts on June 15th!

Participating Vendors:

Designs by Renee, Half Moon Tarot Readings, Phat Dragon Bakery, MotleyArtist, Sew Surprised! ADK, As You Wish Signs and Gifts by Dina, Upstate Emporium, Bit Sized Builds, MontanaFancy Jewelry, Sheila Ann’s Creations, Kreations Pottery and Jewelry, Melted Moon Creations, Artistic Visions, Luria & Co., Just Wandering Co., Büdév Designs, Sunshine Soap LLC, Maple Custom Designs, KeelArt, Carley’s Cookie Jar, Kokotallow, AshLeta Designs, Lisa’s Handicraft LLC, Free Spirit Creations, MILA Studio, Living Free Moments, PPKreations, Vikki's Suds and Such, Bea’s Crafts, Hippie Chic, Molly’s Quilting Blocks, Nora, Jaime Lee's Crafts & Creations, Marion's Woods and Gardens, and Jordace’s Crocheted Creations.

Interested in becoming a vendor? Learn more >>

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Celebrating Juneteenth!

Celebrating Juneteenth!


Join us on Friday, June 14th at 5pm to celebrate Juneteenth!

Complete with good eats, LIVE performances, art displays, vendors from local businesses and organizations, and activities!

Comedian Ray Robinson presents: Malachi Fox, Jon Tut, and Kimber; Singer Renaysha; Singer and Rapper ABG Bhino; and poetry by Mercedez

Elizabeth Marquise, Wendell Robinson, and Dee Wolfe

Local Businesses and Organizations
Flawless Taci, Ms. Pat, Jerard Greene, and John Brown Lives!

Trivia Wheel, Guess Who, and more!

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