Penelope Clute Explorations Exhibition 2017
June 2nd - 30th, 2017
The Strand Center for the Arts is excited to host photographer Penelope Clute in the Main Gallery in June, 2017. Penelope, known locally as Penny, has been working with the Plattsburgh community for years, but in law rather than photography. Now in retirement, she has time to focus on exhibiting her amazing collection of photographs and experiences. This upcoming exhibit, titled “A Little Light, A Little Color,” will open in The Strand Center Main Gallery on Friday, June 2, 2017 with a reception that is free and open to the public from 5:30-7:30 p.m. that evening.
Penny began serious photography after her 1967 college graduation, while first working in Philadelphia and then as a VISTA Volunteer (Volunteers in Service to America) in 1968 Chicago. Two of her photographs from that period were published, one in Human Rights – Issues for a New Millennium by Linda Jacobs Altman and another in Knocking on Doors - VISTA Volunteers Remember 1965-1971 by Maureen O'Connor.
After her time at VISTA Penny went to law school. After a short while in Michigan, she returned to Plattsburgh, NY and became founding partner in the private practice Clute Clute & Thompson. From 1989-2001 she was the Clinton County District Attorney and then Plattsburgh City Court Judge from 2002-2011.
In the beginning of 2012, after retiring from her post as a Plattsburgh City Court Judge, Penny began enjoying nurturing her “inner artist!” She rarely picked up a camera until the mid-2000’s. A weekend photography course in the Adirondacks, taught by the late Nancy Rotenberg, began her creative journey. This lead Penny to travel to San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, New Zealand, Cuba, Iceland and Morocco on photographic and artistic trips to allow her to immerse herself completely in the experience of photography. She now sees color, pattern and texture everywhere.
She has had solo shows in the Clinton County, New York area; and has shown her work in group shows at numerous venues in the Adirondacks and the North Country. Her work is in many private collections locally, as well as in New York City, California, and Hong Kong. In 2015, her photograph of a Cuban Rose Seller won First Place at The Strand Center for the Arts’ juried show “On The Road.” In 2016, one of her photographs won Honorable Mention in the International Black & White Spider Awards, and three others were nominated. Her website is www.PenelopeCluteFineArtPhotography.zenfolio.com.