The Art of Memory Exhibition 2024
October 4th - November 2nd, 2024
Anastasia Osolin creates collages and assemblages from a wide variety of found objects and imagery gathered from flea markets, yard sales, old books, antique shops, the occasional garbage dump, or sometimes literally found on the ground during her daily walks in and around Saranac Lake, NY. Drawing inspiration from the history of science & astronomy, mysticism, art history, Victorian ephemera, and industrial decay (i.e. just about anything old and rusty), Anastasia is an avid recycler, re-purposer, and collector of curiosities. She enjoys the serendipity of rootling around and allowing herself to be surprised and inspired by whatever she happens to find. She sees a profound beauty in the patina of age that can only be produced by time and experience, and aims to give new life to objects that have outlasted their usefulness and been discarded, overlooked or forgotten.
Originally from the Washington DC area, Anastasia has a B.F.A. in Illustration from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her artwork has previously been exhibited at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts, BluSeed Studios, View Center for Arts & Culture, NorthWind Fine Arts, Downtown Artist Cellar and the Adirondack Artists Guild, of which she has been a member since 2016.
“The Art of Memory showcases artwork created within the past three years. It includes found-object sculpture, hand-cut and digital collage, and small works in shadowbox frames that incorporate elements of collage, found objects and encaustic (beeswax).
Each piece is an invitation to look for the poignant beauty in objects that have outlasted their usefulness and been discarded, overlooked or forgotten, to see memories in the unique patina of age that can only be produced by time and experience.”
- Anastasia Osolin, Artist
Artist’s website: http://www.anastasiaosolin.com/